Our Story

Hi my name is Tom and this is the love of my life Heather. After searching high and low in the deepest of oceans for true love “we finally found it on Christmas Eve 2014”. We were both about to give up on true love, Heather had even told her best friend Cindy that she was going to be in charge of her dating life and her online profile because she felt she wasn’t doing something right, lol. On December 24th, 2014 I logged into my Match.com search profile and there she was. I immediately messaged her and because it was Christmas Eve I didn’t expect to hear back from her that day but she responded very quickly. When she answered I asked her if I could call her thinking in my mind that something has to be wrong with her just like all of the others I’ve spoken too. She responded sure and I made the phone call that would change my life forever. The moment she said “Hello” she had my heart. See I had just left for Christmas vacation to New Jersey to visit family and I was going to be gone for 2 weeks so for the next two weeks we spent as much time on the phone that we could (hours and hours at a time) learning all we could about each other and what we were looking for. We both had 2 failed marriages and put through the wringer as they say. Not knowing what true love is, because all we had felt is the “smoke & mirrors” affect with everyone else we had been in a relationship with. She told me she wouldn’t settle for any less than 100%-100% in a relationship. We both say the same thing all the time “your voice stole my heart and made me fall in love with you”. Finally, the two weeks had passed and we were going to see each other face to face. At this time, love was already on the move. My flight was delayed and she still insisted seeing me that night no matter what time it was and so we met. The first hug was incredible and the first kiss was let’s just say we both saw stars lol. From that moment on, things just fell into a beautiful place and we started living our beautiful life together as a couple. We each have two beautiful adult children, three girls and one boy, plus a new daughter-in-law.
As you have probably read I am the owner of ProCalcs and have been in the HVAC business for over 28 years. The business has been growing at a crazy rate and I have to say that I’m very proud of where the business started and where it is today. Heather and I have worked side by side every day for over a year now and all I can say is “we got this”. She started doing all of our Marketing in early 2015 and the business has really taken off. My attention to detail and my attitude of “I will not fail” have put us on an AMAZING journey. We have heard over and over again why are you staying in one place when all of your design work is virtual? We had talked about traveling after we hit 55 when we sell the business and retire. We were in New Jersey again visiting family and Rv’ing came up and I looked at Heather and said, “is that something you would consider someday?” She immediately said why are we waiting until someday, we have the luxury of doing this now with the work we do. I thought about it and how much more business and clients I could help across the country, and so the search and research began.
We went to our first RV show in January 2016 and after looking at a couple thousand RV’s over 5 months, (literally that is all we did in our free time) until May 2016 when we found the one we wanted to start our journey with and the truck we wanted to pull it with. During our search Heather was selling everything we owned piece by piece out of our 3400 sq.ft. house. On June 16th 2014 we started our journey traveling across the U.S. Currently we are driving about 2-3 hours at a time and staying in different cities for about 2 weeks at a time. We will be posting pictures of our adventures, different people we meet, RV resorts we stay at, restaurants we go to and overall what we thought about each place. We will be leaving google reviews as well for these places. We love this full time RV’ing lifestyle. Yes, it is definitely a lifestyle and an amazing one at that. Happiness is where you park it. For those of you who want to keep up with us please follow us on BibaDushiRVLife.com
BibaDushi 1 is the beautiful 2016 Prime Time Lacrosse 38′ travel trailer. It has everything if not more than a normal house does from two 50 inch tv’s, leather loveseat recliners, fireplace, big island in the kitchen, and a big outdoor kitchen area with gas stove, fridge, and a gas grill just to name a few amenities.
Why did we pick this RV? We didn’t want to spend $200,000 on a big Class A diesel pusher until we knew we loved this lifestyle and that the business could survive on the road. Also, the amount of room we have in this RV is so much more for us especially after leaving such a big house behind. We will probably upgrade to a Diesel pusher in a couple of years but for now, this is our home sweet home and we love it!
BibaDushi 2 is an awesome 2016 Dodge Ram 3500 Dually Diesel that roars like no other. We wanted something to head up the mountains in with no issues and one that could pull a mack daddy 5th wheel if we want to upgrade to something bigger. It has every amenity in it including air conditioned seats and a heated steering wheel. Best truck in its class for what we are doing!
- Niagara Falls – USA Side
- Niagara Falls – Almost to Canada
- Niagara Falls – Canada Side – Prettier & nicer than USA side
- Tom & Heather – True love
- 1000 Islands, NY – Association Island KOA Resort This is the long road to our current island location Henderson, NY