HVAC Designs for Architects
When it comes to HVAC design, many architects rely on the precision and expertise offered by companies such as ProCalcs. Our energy calculation specialists are certified for duct design, testing and balancing, Manual D, and more. This ensures that your project is completed right the first time in a safe, functional, and cost-effective manner.
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HVAC design has evolved to become an ideal opportunity for architects to take their designs to the next level, eliminating technical deficiencies in a beautifully cost-effective manner.
An HVAC system is a critical component of an architect’s design, yet many firms send out requests for bids without detailed system specifications. Most HVAC contractors rely on outdated capacity formulas that do not consider the U factor and SHGC of the windows to be installed. Issues such as duct design and air distribution are also ignored except at the most basic level, resulting in several ongoing problems within the building. In addition, by not specifying the system requirements, you will receive as many different designs as the number of bids you request.
There is a better way.
At ProCalcs, we understand the mechanics, designs, flows, and formula required for a specific project. This allows you to send out bids with the exact specifications you need, and get the best price for the right system. Unlike mechanical engineers, we don’t over-engineer our systems. We are not HVAC contractors, so we have no incentive to direct you toward the highest-priced system. Instead, we are experts in the entire HVAC process, and want to help you select the best system to meet the needs of your clients with our proven services.